The Science
This page includes references and quotes from some of the papers we have read which have provided information around seed cycling and why the seeds may offer nutritional benefit to women’s hormones.
At OV we strongly value having a product that works and one backed by studies. As much as the studies are often small and limiting we do our best to find them and share them with you. We hope that the increasing interest in the menstrual cycle is going to mean these studies increase and that women are better represented in studies world wide. If you are reading this and believe any miss-information is being shared, please, please reach out. It is not our intention to miss inform. We found in a lot of the studies they are always advocating for more to be done in those areas.
A 2019 study found that women make up only 35% of participants in clinical trials, despite accounting for half of the global population. When they are included, the impact of menstrual cycles or hormonal fluctuations is often ignored.
Less than 13% of research focused on health conditions affecting women takes menstruation or hormonal fluctuations into account, resulting in misdiagnosis or delayed treatment for women.
We want to keep learning!
We want to get more studies on people born female at birth!
They don’t have to prove us right, they just have to help women going forward!
The quotes we can taken from the studies are to give you a rough idea of what is covered, please read the full papers to get a better understanding of the experiments and results.
Effect of Seed Cycling on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Ajith, K. and Raman, M. (2024). Effect of Seed Cycling on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. [online] Available at:
A study that took a different approach to seed cycling than we do at OV, and is maybe more commonly heard of. In this study, participants were asked to take 10grams (about one tablespoon) of each seed, every day but cycling through the day. “Early Morning-Flaxseed ,Midmorning- Pumpkin seed, evening- Sunflower seed and bedtime- Sesame seed”
“The mean body weight Was 64 ± 8.9 before intervention and 60 ± 4.6 kg/m2 after intervention and the BMI, 25.85 ± 3.4 in pre and post its 22.75 ± 4.3 respectively by end of 3 months”
“As shown in (Fig. 2) before therapy only 6 (8.5%) women had normal menstrual cycle .Following seed cycling therapy 18 (78%) had regularization of menstrual cycle,9 (19%) improvement in the frequency”
“19(63.3%) subjects had hirsutism and there was no improvement in hirsutism after treatment. There was no statistically significant difference in the random blood sugar level before and after treatment(p-Value – 0.534)”
The study goes onto to reference other sources of why the seeds may have helped with the positive side effects seen in this study.
Effect of Flaxseed on Pain Relief and Quality of Life in Patients With Mastalgia: A Single Arm Interventional Study
Ansari, T., Rai, P., Singh, A., Srivastava, R., Singh, S. and Gopal, V.R. (2024). Effect of Flaxseed on Pain Relief and Quality of Life in Patients With Mastalgia: A Single Arm Interventional Study. Meme sağlığı dergisi/Meme sağlığı dergisi, [online] pp.303–308.
Mastalgia is the breast discomfort women can experience during their menstrual cycle, normally in the Luteal phase.
Role of Seed Cycling in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Irfan, T., Seher, K., Rizwan, B., Fatima, S. and Sani, A. (2021). Role of Seed Cycling in Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome: Role of Seed Cycling in Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome. Pakistan BioMedical Journal, [online] 4(2).
“The current review was to see the impacts of various omega-3 seeds in PCOS. Whilst researches have no direct connection of seed cycling to hormone balance, but they clearly show a relationship among particular ingredients in flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds play a significant role in balancing natural hormonal cycle. In a particular seed cycling contract, you consume 2 tablespoons of ground seeds daily. They can be mixed in the smoothies or can be added as a topping on oatmeal. Idealists suggests to take seeds in raw and fresh ground form. Phase One: During first phase, that lasts for 2 weeks, you consume a tablespoon of flax seed and pumpkin seeds each. Phase Two: During second phase, that also lasts for 2 weeks, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are consumed. To see the results seed cycling should be done for 3 months. Hence concluded, omega-3 unsaturated fats can be another way to deal with PCOS without any side effects.”
Evaluation of Effect of Seed Cycling on Anthropometric, Biochemical, Hormonal and Nutritional Parameters in the Women Diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – A Cohort Interventional Study Design
Kour, H., C. Anitha, Vikrant Ghatnatti, Patil, S. and Deepti Kadeangadi (2024). Evaluation of Effect of Seed Cycling on Anthropometric, Biochemical, Hormonal and Nutritional Parameters in the Women Diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – A Cohort Interventional Study Design. Journal of Natural Remedies, [online] pp.1547–1559.
“The study concluded that women with PCOS showed substantial improvements in anthropometric, biochemical, and hormonal profiles following seed cycling therapy combined with dietary modifications. This suggests that seed cycling, along with a portion-controlled diet, can be an effective strategy for managing PCOS symptoms.”
“The study participants in the intervention group were explained about the phases of the menstrual cycle and seed cycling. Pumpkin seeds and flax seeds were recommended to be ingested during the follicular phase, i.e., 1-14 days of the menstrual cycle; whereas sunflower seeds and sesame seeds were recommended during the luteal phase, i.e., from the 15th day onwards till the beginning of next cycle.”
“Overall, there was a decrease in FSH, LH, Prolactin, and Testosterone levels in the intervention group, compared to the control group at the end of 12 weeks, and these changes were statistically significant.”
“Consumption of pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds during follicular phases of the ovarian cycle controls estrogenic activity. Pumpkin seeds act as a potent vasodilator, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, insulin sensitizer, and anti-hyperlipemic. Flaxseed is the richest source of mammalian lignan and has estrogenic agonist or antagonist properties. Both flax and pumpkin seeds are rich in Zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, which further help in the synthesis of progesterone hormone for luteal and regulate the follicular phase. These seeds improve blood flow to the uterine wall and help in follicular function. Consumption of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds during the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle helps in the synthesis of progesterone. They contain lignin and zinc, which help in inhibiting the excess synthesis of oestrogen. Additionally, sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E and selenium, which further enhance the synthesis and action of progesterone”
The Effects of Chamomile and Flaxseed on Pelvic Pain, Dyspareunia, and Dysmenorrhea in Endometriosis: A Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial
Zohre Khalajinia, Fatemeh Mohanazadeh Falahieh and Aghaali, M. (2024). The Effects of Chamomile and Flaxseed on Pelvic Pain, Dyspareunia, and Dysmenorrhea in Endometriosis: A Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, [online] 29(6), pp.731–736.
“A controlled randomized clinical trial was conducted on 102 endometriosis patients referred to Reyhane Infertility Center of Qom University of Medical Sciences, Iran, from July 2021 to March 2022. Patients were divided into three groups: chamomile, flaxseed, and placebo, using the block randomization method.”
“The treatment of this disease mainly involves hormone therapy, with surgery being utilized in advanced cases. However, the treatments are associated with various side effects and not entirely effective.[4,7] Therefore, women with endometriosis often seek additional treatments.[5] It seems necessary to discover and identify new drugs to manage this disease, and medicinal plants are a valuable source for this purpose.”
“The consumption of flaxseed extract can significantly reduce inflammation.”
“The mean score of pelvic pain (on one and two-month follow-ups) in the chamomile and flaxseed groups (F = 383.07, p < 0.001) was lower than that in the placebo group. The mean score of dyspareunia (on one and two-month follow-ups) in the chamomile and flaxseed groups was significantly lower than that in the placebo group (F2 = 479.34, p < 0.001). The mean score of dysmenorrhea on one and two-month follow-ups (F2 = 385.67, p < 0.001) in the chamomile and flaxseed groups was lower than that in the placebo group.”
“The subjects are prescribed eating flax and pumpkin seeds from 1-14-days of cycle.And eating sunflower seeds and sesame seeds from 15-28 days of menstrual cycle.”
“Seed Rotation therapy with healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes is giving positive results for subjects with the symptoms of PCOS”
“Out of 150 girls, eating habits of 50 girls were calculated by using weighment method. Within 2-3 months, 45% of subjects have started showing positive results i.e., 22% of them having periods on time, 10% feeling changes in skin, 9% feeling energetic, 4% feeling better than before.”