Phoebe 23

Fun fact - Phoebe is also our social media manager and posts amazing recipes each week on @ovcyclesocial for our followers to be able to easily incorporate seed cycling into their diets

“I was wanting to come off the contraception pill as it wasn’t sitting right with me. I started OV’s seed cycling kits before I came off and continued after. I love all the health benefits of the seeds and feel more in control of my body again.”

Why did you decide to try seed cycling with OV?

I was wanting to come off the pill and, as much as I didn’t like being on the pill, it did give me a sense of control of when I would expect a bleed, so I was looking for something that might help provide that control. I was also really nervous my skin would break out like it did before I went on the pill. So I started OV’s seed cycling kit a month before I came off the pill and continued after.

How did seed cycling work out for you?

It took a little time for my real period to come back after coming on the pill but following the steps provided by OV I was able to feel more in control and that I was still following some form of a cycle, encouraging my body to get back to normal. I also didn’t experience the skin break out to my relief.

Are there any other benefits you noticed that you can describe?

I found the Whatsapp group really useful for learning more about what it means to have a natural cycle and what happens with out hormones during each stage. I am now someone that shares that advice with others as it’s so important we all get access to this.

Do you think you will continue with seed cycling and why?

Yes, and I love all the health benefits of the seeds and feel more in control of my body again.

Would you recommend seed cycling to a friend?

Yes. I now work with OV on their social channels posting healthy recipes which you can make at home while incorporating your seeds. I love sharing this with other women and helping others reduce their period symptoms naturally.